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unibetash last won the day on June 30 2020

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  1. Stiglo danas od Unibeta. Dobra vijest za sve koji su igrali na pobjedu Trumpa The US election’s gone into overtime and if you placed a bet on Trump, we’ve great news. We’re paying out if Trump ends up in the White House for a second term. We paid out on Biden bets when it was widely reported that he had enough votes to win. But, as he’s not officially been declared the winner by the Electoral College yet, we want to let you know that we’ll payout Trump outright bets in the US Election market if he’s eventually re-elected. The above will have no effect on bettors who have already received payouts on Biden being the winner. We will only payout on Trump if, come 20 January 2021, he is sworn in as the president for the next 4 years. In the event this happens, those bets on Trump as the winner of the election which appear as ‘lost’ on our site will be paid out. The Unibet Team
  2. Pa da, to ti zelim rec. Neces dobit konkretan odgovor na koji se mozes vezat. Jedini odgovor koji ce ti imati neku pravnu tezinu je ako kontaktiras poreznu upravu za misljenje A mislim da ne zelis ic u tom smjeru.
  3. Friendly tip: Mislim da ti javni forum o kladjenju nije pravo mjesto za to pitanje.
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