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Kodi - gledajte filmove, serije, TV kanale putem interneta


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Odnedavno sam počeo gledati sadržaje koji me zanimaju putem Kodi aplikacije na velikom ekranu televizora (TV spojen na računalo putem HDMI kabela).


Kodi™ (formerly known as XBMC™) is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media player and entertainment hub that can be installed on Linux, OSX, Windows, iOS, and Android, featuring a 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls. It allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts, and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the internet. Kodi is available as a native application for Android, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS (iDevices and Apple TV 2), and Windows operating systems, running on most common processor architectures.


Uz par dodataka (Add-ons) Kodi postaje jako moćan media centar za gledanje raznog sadržaja. Najčešće gledam TV serije i filmove, ali i sportske sadržaje (npr. NBA utakmice putem NBA League Pass addona i važećih podataka pretplate).


Skinite Kodi i instalirajte aplikaciju te podesite Kodi po jednostavnom vodiču sa Youtubea:




Preporučam Add-on Genesis koji bi trebali imati instaliran ako ste slijedili tutorial. :)

Evo jednog vodiča ako želite ručno instalirati Genesis Add-on: https://seo-michael.co.uk/how-to-manually-install-gotv-for-xbmc/


Evo kako izgleda ekran Genesisa kad odaberete Latest Movies:





Možete gledati i TV putem Kodija, potrebno je otići u System -> Settings. Zatim odabrati Live TV te pod General odabrati: Enabled.


Nakon toga odete u System -> Settings -> Addons te pod Disabled Add-ons -> PVR Clients potražite "Simple IPTV PVR Client" te ga uključite (Enable).

Zatim uđete u postavke tog addona (gumb Configure) te na prvoj kartici General namjestite sljedeće postavke:

Location: odabrati "Remote Path (internet address)"

M3U Play List URL upišete (ili copy-paste):


"Cache m3u at local storage" - mora biti isključeno, maknete kvačicu


Na drugoj kartici - EPG Settings:

Location: odabrati "Remote Path (internet address)"





Na zadnjoj kartici - Channels Logos:

Location: odabrati "Remote Path (internet address)"

Channels Logos Base URL: http://www.tv-logos.tk



Kodi - o programu i mogućnostima: http://kodi.tv/about/



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TVMC is a custom offshoot of Kodi which comes preconfigured with all the best add-ons, tweaks and customizations; meant to give you the best addon-centric Kodi streaming experience.

It comes with everything you need right out of the box, meaning you won’t have to spend hours learning about how to configure Kodi properly, it just works as soon as you install it.


Download link za Windowse: http://www.tvaddons.ag/tvmc-windows/


Odsad je još jednostavnije korištenje Kodija, u ovom slučaju rebrandiranog u TVMC gdje je već sve prekonfigurirano za lagano korištenje.

Uglavnom, nakon instalacije TVMC programa, pokrenete pod Videos addon Genesis i uživate u najnovijim filmovima i serijama..

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